Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Be An Ulzzang Part 3

Hello guys !!
today i wanna show u How To Be An Ulzzang Part 3 !!
Everybody can be Ulzzang ! :D
so let's check it out !

before and after makeup

circle lens :D 

applying concealer and foundation/bb cream

applying powder

double eyelid tape , u can read the review here

apply your eyeshadow, mascara and false eyelashes

apply your fav Liquid eyeliner and false under lashes

line the inner corners of your eyes and put some white shimmer

create shadows and bring your nose higher

highlight your nose & put on some pink blush

and you are done!! let's take some selca :DD

hope u enjoy !
please comment , follow and share :D


  1. i read her blog she is really awesome turning to another person! ^^ btw u are very pretty !!

  2. @floralbb . Hi ! yeahh me too she is from china i though . thank you for comment ^^

  3. hi..would u mind to follow my blgo at
    thank u^^

  4. love it !. but that is not a ulzzang right ?

  5. I just found your block and i wanted to say: its awesome. Im so happy that you post this pictures about how to do the make up. I dont wear circle lenses and false lashes cause i already have big eyes and im a natural blonde but i didnt know how to let my face look cute and flawless. Im so happy. Thank you very much *hugs you*

  6. I mean blogg haha stupid autocorrect

  7. tooo much make looks like gyaru make up and not ulzzang ö.ö

  8. @Geuryeoyo Pue hi, what is her blog? i really wanna visit hers.

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